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39150 Queens Way, Squamish, BC, V8B0K8
Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun closed
Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat - Sun closed
Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat - Sun closed


Fundamentals of Brake Service


Maintenance Focus


Maintenance Requirements - Brake Service

Front Disc Brakes

0 Remove all shims and dean off all grease
0 Wire brush pad ends to remove rust scale or dirt build up
0 Lightly sand friction surface smooth
0 Lubricate contact points with a small amount of lube
0 Clean and remove rust scale and/or dirt build up from front disc brake components
0 Carefully clean the caliper body with a wire brush
0 Lubricate
0 Remove all anti-rattle dips and inspect for excessive rust/dirt build up
0 Remove caliper slide pins, wipe clean, reapply small amount of lube and reinstall in brackets
0 Carefully remove any excessive rust scale and any rust lip
0 Deglaze rotor surface with sandpaper
0 Clean off hub contact surface and rotor hub surface with sandpaper
0 Apply small amount of lube to the hub contact surface only

Rear Drum Brakes (if equipped)

0 Sand shoe surface; smooth & wash off assembly with brake cleaner to remove dirt/dust
0 Apply only a very small amount of lube on the backing plate where the makes contact
0 Lubricate adjuster
0 Deglaze drum surface with sandpaper and remove any rust lip
0 Clean off hub contact surface and drum hub with sandpaper
0 Apply small amount of lube to the hub contact surface only
0 Reinstall drum and adjust rear brakes as per the repair manual

Rear Disc Brakes (if equipped)

0 Remove all shims and clean off all grease
0 Wire brush pad ends to remove rust scale or dirt build up
0 Lightly sand friction surface smooth
0 Lubricate contact points with a small amount of lube
0 Carefully clean the caliper body with a wire brush
0 Remove all anti-rattle clips and inspect for excessive rust/dirt build up
0 Remove caliper slide pins, wipe clean, reapply small amount of lube and reinstall in brackets
0 Carefully remove any excessive rust scale and any rust lip
0 Deglaze rotor surface with sandpaper
0 Clean off hub contact surface and rotor hub surface with sandpaper
0 Apply small amount of lube to the hub contact surface only
0 Adjust/inspect parking brake as per repair manual

Brake Fluid Replacement

0 Drain and fill brake fluid with Toyota Genuine Brake Fluid